(Apr 15, 2007)
"Damn shag" - KT's favourite phrase.

Met up with Voon and Chiang today. Had Billy Bombers for lunch. Cost me a bomb! Turbong.

Walked around Marina and Suntec then Voon had to leave at around 7. Chiang and I slacked at Starbucks then went walked around Marina somemore and had dinner. Damn fulllllll la. Like till my stomach wanna burst like that.

Parted with her and went home.

Thanks Voon for your present though I left it with you. LOL.
Thanks for spending you day out with me though you're sick.

DOC's on monday. I hope it gonna be fun. Lucky Jacen's in my empire if not I think I'll definitely be so damn bored.

Bahhs. But the others are all in other diff empire. This gonna be oh-so-i-duno-whether-it-would-be-fun-or-not. I think I still prefer Seals. =))