The roses I got for my mom.

Mommy with her roses.

The lobster we had that night.

Nice scenery.

Mom's cake.
Then to Shah's farewell.

Shah shah.

His farewell cake.

Shah with ALOT cherries in his mouth.
Then my birthday.

My cake! Nutella one ehs.

Stupid Shahul and Jacen.

Make a wish. I know I look cock here.


Pong said I look like Eugene here.

Now I know who pushed my head.

Thank you people.

Eat also must post.
This is damn hilarious.
My beloved.
Shit on our nose.
O.O Carmen got LONG tongue.
Pong bite Jacen's fingers. LOL.
Warren and I
LOL. BULLIED. No. Sexually assulted.
It look like that there's shit on our faces.
We dropped into a shit hole.
OK. A pretty one.
She was drunk.
1/3 for Jacen.
I finally saw her after so long. Miss her so much!
Loves Loves. <3s
Thank you people.
Full of mushrooms man.
Mushroom necklace I got for myself.
I totally enjoyed myself today. Not because it's my birthday but it's because it's yet another gathering that I'm able to see everyone. Finally saw Cheryl after so long. And after not seeing Jacen for a few days, I finally saw him alr. LOL.
Warren, Nick, Carmen, Ain, Aidah, Shahul, Sotong, Jacen, Laura, Yumi and Dempster. Thank you guys for making my 19th birthday a memorable one. Thank you.
No matter what happen, I always know that you guys will always be behind me supporting me. Thank you for showing me the love, care and concern in a friendship.
Thanks everyone for your wishes esp Cheryl who was the first to call! LOL. And I hope I don't get too brutally tortured in the camp later on. =))
Had a mini celeb with my family back home. Thanks Pops, Moms, Sis. =))
MynameisMatthew [Mununokhoi] says:
later one day u run then ur Neh Neh fly over then i kena hard on my dick go through your stomach, i would like to call it double edge sword, cos u get pregnant, but yet at the same time my dick penetrating ur uterus would cause miscarriage
And that's Matthew. Poor Pong.
Thank you Pong for being there for me all the time. Standing by me no matter what happened. Thank you for even believing in me. Thank you for making my life in school a happy one. I can't imagine my life in school without you.
Hopefully we'll end up in the same class soon. Like, next block? I LOVE YOU.