(May 31, 2008)
So election results was out yesterday or just now since I haven't sleep so the day's not over. The atmosphere in the SU lounge was tensed to the max because everyone knows that when one get in, someone out there bound not to get in.

Joyce and I was like "oh yeah, we stepped down already".

So anyway, we waited for the results and congrats Melvin for presidency and Yi Jie for v.presidency and Betty Sholleh Kezia Mallory Andrea Chryst Izaku Amos Gina Steven Wyncy Desiree Donson (MOI owns again). I was gossiping with Vani and as I wrote down the results for DSC, my hand went numb.

I was overwhelmed with emotions. I guess only Hakim knows how I felt at that point of time. I really regretted not running. I've seen how DSC grew. From walkovers to 17 people running last AY and to this AY, 18 people vying for 15 positions (it could've been 19). Seeing how DSC making a difference for the design students is I think, the main aim for the EXCO. And I could have do it again but I let the chance slipped by. So it's like, I was happy for those who got in but at the same time hoping that I was one of them. Like what Amos said, we cannot argue and fight with one another and then the next moment we are laughing with each other again. Like I cannot fight together with the EXCO members anymore. Like I cannot hatecomplainwhinerant about the gruesome meetings anymore. No more dins dins after meetings ):

So for everyone in AY 07/08, this is for you.

Beloved Botak President Kbby, I'm always filled with respects for you and I'm really scared when you're pissed off so keep smiling and joking and making everyone around you happy because you're the best joker on earth. And really, that emo face really makes everyone worried. And I miss those "eh, Fiona"s during meetings. GO GO KBBY!

Slit Eyes DavidLeeDaoMing, I really dislike you when you go all serious during meetings and start to "eh, that's not the point. can we move on?" because after that I will go all emo throughout the meeting and will keep my mouth shut because I'm afraid you will "can we move on" me again. But's it's always fun to have another slit eyes in the room because I know I' not the only one who cannot see properly. HEH.

Act Cute TOMU and the counsellor of many. Thank you for all you've taught me inside or out of DSC. Talking to you always makes me feel better. Oh well, not always. Your that slutty pair of eyes are just so funny to look at. All those bitchings and gossipings sessions, you owned big time yoh. Thanks for like just being there especially that Wednesday wee hours spent in Macs when you could have slept on your bed like a pig. YOU GO GIRL.

Shoppink Queen Abby, you're the vainpot, the shopping queen, the yellow/red shorts Abby. LOL. Enjoyed working with you because we always end up gossiping about anyone. I love you because you bring us to clean toilets to bathe and you always have sweets with you and that's essential during meetings. And you always cools me down and tell me everything is alright when I am really pissed during meetings. OPPS.

Mad Mad Mural Mathilda, I KNOW RIGHT, YOU'RE SO PISSED WITH US BECAUSE THE LOUNGE IS FOREVER SO MESSY AND SAA IS FOREVER CALLING YOU BECAUSE THE BUDGET IS ALWAYS NOT SEND IN. We is miss you like siao luh. And we found your lookalike. We can just die without you luh like seriously. Like you were so stressed and all, handling so much stuff and yet you didn't complain. EXTRA HUGS FOR YOU.

The Mama Hajar, Thank you for helping me around with the subcom stuffs when I'm shorthanded. Always there, never say no. OKAY LUH. SWEETEST HAJAR. I still see you around so very often, you should know how much I love you yo. LOL.

Hairy Legs Yijie & Prettygirl Jacen, YA. I see you guys everyday idk what to say. Yijie, good luck for another AY ahead of you.

COCKBOY Amos, you're the most cock person I've ever met but you did make a difference in my life. We've seen you grow and really, it's nice to see how we changed someone. So precise in everything you do especially academically. Your presence, surprisingly makes people happy with your cockness. You always know how I always thinks that you're capable and what really stunt me was your willingness to learn. So, another AY, good luck. BEER BOTTLE.

Big Friendly Giant Ronald, I really miss your company. I miss having you around with us and all. You really helped to glue the comm together with your random outings and all. It's a pity. I miss you Ronald.

FUNNY Gabriel, QUIET Zul, MUSCULAR Weihon, IYA YOU THREE WON'T GET TO READ THIS ANYWAY. MEDIA TAG TEAM ROCKS SOCKS YO. And Weihon, you're the ultimate shit luh. Everyone needs a PID in their comm! LOL.

I really regretted ): but I can't do anything now and I really thinks that everyone in the new comm deserves the seat because I know that all of them really yearn to get in. I will miss sitting in front of the LT during sub com meetings.

Anyway, we sort of sat in in their 1st meeting. And we waited for them to end. Town for dins and we sorta slacked around and then spent some time chilling outside PS. I felt happy because everyone is happy (:

NR7 home because 518 took too long to come and i just don't feel like taking 518 home. Sheena talked me out of the sad and pathetic life I had and yay! I am still feeling happy! Thank you Sheena. I owe you many many. And we had this drama-mama talk luh. She always know I do it. LOL. And then we imitate how Ester would reply if she knew what we were talking about "shi bu shi? dui bu dui". LOL. Walked home from the interchange. But god damn the scary trees.

Thank you Chryst, Tomu and Amos for trying to make me think that my decision is not totally regretful.

HAKIM KIMMOZINE, YOU'RE THE LEGEND AND LEGEND DON'T DIE!!! So cheer up because ehh, I am your scalp! LOL.

Thank you Weejee for your ultimate bah zhang and tauhuay craving because it sent me to the kitchen to cook instant noodles. And thank you for you-know-what. And, remember baileys and cornflakes don't click.


It's a happy happy night tonight with traumatizing news though.

And there the sad night went. My hand hurts. Stupid blue blacks from the bites. BLEAH.


Pardon me if there are any grammatical/spelling errors or whatever because it's 6.32am and I am stoning.

Kay it's 6.44am now and I am pissed off. I am not gonna talk to you for the longest time to come.