(Oct 2, 2008)
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:22:34 AM)
aiya dunn watever
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:22:37 AM)
jus cheer up man
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:22:40 AM)
u is fiona
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:22:52 AM)
the fi i noe nvr bad mood one
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:22:54 AM)

fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:28:27 AM)
what makes you think that i wont be sad.

Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:28:53 AM)
cos u fi ma
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:28:58 AM)
always laugh laugh one
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:29:02 AM)
make ppl happy all those

fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:31:14 AM)
and that makes you think that i will never be sad?

Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:31:37 AM)
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:31:48 AM)
everyone will be sad one ma
Kangkang™ ------ says: (1:32:02 AM)
but i noe u will be happy very fast one

fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:36:26 AM)
just because i am fiona right
fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:36:40 AM)
and that makes people think that im always happy and i'll never get sad
fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:36:48 AM)
even if im sad, i will be happy again very fast.
fionehneh 強さ. I gave up in everything and everyone. I am tired of trying says: (1:36:49 AM)


i really hate the fact that people thinks that im all that strong and i will never get upset over something for a long time. but what people don't know and never realized is that, i was never happy.

i'm tired, very.