(Oct 7, 2007)
I'm loving this block to bits.
Ultimate module combination.
Audio 2 and Video edit, together with the Ultimate group mates; Nick Mark Novem.

I love to see Karkin's blur face whenever I turn around.

Met up with Sheena on Friday.
Bought light blue FBT. Nice yo.
Dins was at Makansutra. Kangkong, Stingray and Fried Oyster Egg w/o oyster.
Bitched, gossiped, slack and laughs. *smiles*

Met up with Mark and Jacen on Sat to go to the Lomography Exhibition.
Yumi couldn't make it because she was sick.
Saw Amos and Yoko at Pennisular when I was buying film so they joined us.
Was nice. Jeremy went home so didn't get to know which was his work.
Saw a couple of Design peeps there as well.
Some seniors were drawing potrait over there.

After that Jacen, Mark and I went to Vivo for dins.
Jacen is not stupid, he is just naive. LOL.
Mark went to meet his friend, Jacen went to find Cherine, I went to meet Sheena.
Sat at the same place and chatted.
Saw somebody and I don't know why I'll have that reaction.
And Brandon said asked "... you need somebody's care and concern?"

I don't wanna repeat what I saw in bus. It was traumatising.
Luckily I wasn't the only one who saw it.

So later I gonna meet up with Donson and Haenz to the Converse Sales.
Then meet Sheena later. =))
Ok. I got to go sleep alr.
Nights world.

favourite hello, hardest goodbye