(Sep 27, 2007)
Some pictures I stole from Wesley's. No. He asked me to take from his.

"I take you, you take me"

Mark blowing up the balloons.

Everybody busy blowing balloons.

The helium balloons. I swear it was much nicer if see the actual scene yourself.
Everything was so magical, so colourful. You thought you're in some fantasy fairytale.

Yumi giving her speech I suppose.

Yumi and her mega-alot of balloons.

Yumi and Wesley

Wesley and I

Ya. The two guys behind were trying to steal some shot.

SPT and Wesley.


Mei Nu Warren with Wesley.

The new Jam team. Can't wait to listen to their new song.

It was worst than this, she was totally covered/hidden by the mega-alot of balloons.

Wrong wind direction. It was stuck among the trees.

And Carmen.
But I bet all they're gonna say is,
"Iya. Thumbdrive to you next week when school starts."
Thumbdrive SUPER important to us I tell you.
I haven't been taking pictures for the longest time because Buddy Jacen got hold of my camera for soooo long. LOL.
So I decided to take some pictures but they are oh so boring thus, I'm not going to post them up.
Maybe some other days. =))
It's raining right now, 4.44am (what a nice number)
I'm going to continue to read my Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire cause I don't think I'll have the time when school reopens yo.
Checked almost everyone's timetable for Block 6.
Aidah is in my class for Video Edit! Yayness please.
Joshua is separated from Yumi and gang but is in the same class as Shahul and Rino.
Jacen is in the same class as Yumi for FilmLang.
Nick, Mark, Novem and I have the exact same timetable.
AKP and Yilong is not in our class alr. No more dancing chicken and froggy frog frog plushy fluffy.
Carmen, Yumi and Warren have the same exact timetable for next block.
Ok. Lazy to say the rest.
That shows how bored I am to check everyone's timetable o-heh.
I think I've been talking lesser and lesser with Yumi san.

Yumi bought everyone something from Paris.
This was what she bought for me.
She bought Carmen this Andy Warhol Pop Art Box which is like super nice too.
Thank you Yumi san.

Bday present from Voonie. I'll get a lil card from her every year.
Thanks BFV.

Royston's Shorts.
My fucking motivation.
That phobia, that turmoil, still linger around me.
I guess it's the phobia that is stopping me and slowing things down.
A lesson learnt might not always be the best damn thing.
Knowing I'll end up facing the same problem, I'd rather I keep mum.
Aneehs (Sheena's new name given by her classmates) adviced that I shouldn't have that phobia within me.
But yanno, phobia is phobia.
–noun a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.
In my case, it's the situation.

"I take you, you take me"

Mark blowing up the balloons.

Everybody busy blowing balloons.

The helium balloons. I swear it was much nicer if see the actual scene yourself.
Everything was so magical, so colourful. You thought you're in some fantasy fairytale.

Yumi giving her speech I suppose.

Yumi and her mega-alot of balloons.

Yumi and Wesley

Wesley and I

Ya. The two guys behind were trying to steal some shot.

SPT and Wesley.


Mei Nu Warren with Wesley.

The new Jam team. Can't wait to listen to their new song.

It was worst than this, she was totally covered/hidden by the mega-alot of balloons.

Wrong wind direction. It was stuck among the trees.

And Carmen.
But I bet all they're gonna say is,
"Iya. Thumbdrive to you next week when school starts."
Thumbdrive SUPER important to us I tell you.
I haven't been taking pictures for the longest time because Buddy Jacen got hold of my camera for soooo long. LOL.
So I decided to take some pictures but they are oh so boring thus, I'm not going to post them up.
Maybe some other days. =))
It's raining right now, 4.44am (what a nice number)
I'm going to continue to read my Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire cause I don't think I'll have the time when school reopens yo.
Checked almost everyone's timetable for Block 6.
Aidah is in my class for Video Edit! Yayness please.
Joshua is separated from Yumi and gang but is in the same class as Shahul and Rino.
Jacen is in the same class as Yumi for FilmLang.
Nick, Mark, Novem and I have the exact same timetable.
AKP and Yilong is not in our class alr. No more dancing chicken and froggy frog frog plushy fluffy.
Carmen, Yumi and Warren have the same exact timetable for next block.
Ok. Lazy to say the rest.
That shows how bored I am to check everyone's timetable o-heh.
I think I've been talking lesser and lesser with Yumi san.

Yumi bought everyone something from Paris.
This was what she bought for me.
She bought Carmen this Andy Warhol Pop Art Box which is like super nice too.
Thank you Yumi san.

Bday present from Voonie. I'll get a lil card from her every year.
Thanks BFV.

Royston's Shorts.
My fucking motivation.
That phobia, that turmoil, still linger around me.
I guess it's the phobia that is stopping me and slowing things down.
A lesson learnt might not always be the best damn thing.
Knowing I'll end up facing the same problem, I'd rather I keep mum.
Aneehs (Sheena's new name given by her classmates) adviced that I shouldn't have that phobia within me.
But yanno, phobia is phobia.
–noun a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.
In my case, it's the situation.