(Oct 10, 2007)
I had a wonderful day in school.
I spent ...
1) my time (9am-12pm) with Nick, Mark and Novem laughing our asses off at Audio Dubbing.
2) my afternoon (12pm-3pm) sitting in front of the G5, working on my Vid Edit assignment 1. I'm doing on a 2nd version which is apparently the better one yo.
3) spent my lunch time (3pm-4pm) with the groupmates and Sotong and Shahul. We talked about Pineapple. Apparently alot to say.
4) spent my slacking time (4pm - 5pm) crashing the Audio room, disturbing them doing their CDI project.
Then next was 5pm-7pm at Bedok.
Went to send the parcel to Paris for Voon.
Then all the shittty stuffs start to happen.
1) I went to collect my photos and as I requested for them to be burned into CD, the KIND lady actually used their com to show me which is to customers' consumption (so she's not that kind). I was quite satisfied with my photos as Roll One was a failure. Then this KIND lady asked:
Lady: Your picture not very good uh. You took at night uh? The quality not good.
Me: *still smiling at the photos* orh.
Lady: You took at night uh? Very lousy.
Me: I use Holga
Lady: *blur face* Huh?
Me: Old camera.
Lady: *surprised face* OHHHH. THOSE UH. I KNOW!
2) I realized I got not enough cash with me so I went to find Moms at her workplace. Luckily she was working. Then I have to walk back to the post office. The distance is not very far but far enough.
3) Before I went to get more money, the lady who served me earlier on asked me to find her after I get my money. So when I returned, I jumped queue and went straight to her. And as she looked up and talk to me, this indian (2nd in queue) bellowed, "HELLO! THIS IS THE QUEUE" till EVERYONE in the post office turned over and looked at me. I was like "WTF?" then the lady explained, "She's our previous customer" and that indian simply nod his head without apologizing. I mean, where is your manners? He is not a bangie but a Singapore Indian man probably in his late 20s.
I think I owe those indians in my past few lives. This is the second incident I'm involved with an indian.
and if you think that's all, there're two more incidedents.
4) I board bus 69. Alot of people. I was standing up, looking at the back of the bus. I spot this old uncle in his late early 70s STANDING UP and right in front of him is this healthy young boy around 13/14 years old sitting down. And as the passengers moved back, this uncle is not standing infront of this lady, in her early 20s, sitting down! She was listening to her MP3 and she looked at the uncle and then back to her scenery gazing. And finally at TP's stop, the uncle got himself a sit.
5) I got myself a sit too and was sitting near the exit. Then this lady who sat beside the door started standing up. I thought she was going to alight but she didn't! she continued to stand till the next stop, then she alighted. At that time when she stood up, alot people were still standing up and she was squeezing with them. LIKE WTF? and there were two free sits and everybody was standing. Nobody wants to sit down. I looked over at the chair. It was perfectly fine. LIKE WTH IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
At least this make up all those incidents I met today.

and now the holga,

Just that one smile..
I spent ...
1) my time (9am-12pm) with Nick, Mark and Novem laughing our asses off at Audio Dubbing.
2) my afternoon (12pm-3pm) sitting in front of the G5, working on my Vid Edit assignment 1. I'm doing on a 2nd version which is apparently the better one yo.
3) spent my lunch time (3pm-4pm) with the groupmates and Sotong and Shahul. We talked about Pineapple. Apparently alot to say.
4) spent my slacking time (4pm - 5pm) crashing the Audio room, disturbing them doing their CDI project.
Then next was 5pm-7pm at Bedok.
Went to send the parcel to Paris for Voon.
Then all the shittty stuffs start to happen.
1) I went to collect my photos and as I requested for them to be burned into CD, the KIND lady actually used their com to show me which is to customers' consumption (so she's not that kind). I was quite satisfied with my photos as Roll One was a failure. Then this KIND lady asked:
Lady: Your picture not very good uh. You took at night uh? The quality not good.
Me: *still smiling at the photos* orh.
Lady: You took at night uh? Very lousy.
Me: I use Holga
Lady: *blur face* Huh?
Me: Old camera.
Lady: *surprised face* OHHHH. THOSE UH. I KNOW!
2) I realized I got not enough cash with me so I went to find Moms at her workplace. Luckily she was working. Then I have to walk back to the post office. The distance is not very far but far enough.
3) Before I went to get more money, the lady who served me earlier on asked me to find her after I get my money. So when I returned, I jumped queue and went straight to her. And as she looked up and talk to me, this indian (2nd in queue) bellowed, "HELLO! THIS IS THE QUEUE" till EVERYONE in the post office turned over and looked at me. I was like "WTF?" then the lady explained, "She's our previous customer" and that indian simply nod his head without apologizing. I mean, where is your manners? He is not a bangie but a Singapore Indian man probably in his late 20s.
I think I owe those indians in my past few lives. This is the second incident I'm involved with an indian.
and if you think that's all, there're two more incidedents.
4) I board bus 69. Alot of people. I was standing up, looking at the back of the bus. I spot this old uncle in his late early 70s STANDING UP and right in front of him is this healthy young boy around 13/14 years old sitting down. And as the passengers moved back, this uncle is not standing infront of this lady, in her early 20s, sitting down! She was listening to her MP3 and she looked at the uncle and then back to her scenery gazing. And finally at TP's stop, the uncle got himself a sit.
5) I got myself a sit too and was sitting near the exit. Then this lady who sat beside the door started standing up. I thought she was going to alight but she didn't! she continued to stand till the next stop, then she alighted. At that time when she stood up, alot people were still standing up and she was squeezing with them. LIKE WTF? and there were two free sits and everybody was standing. Nobody wants to sit down. I looked over at the chair. It was perfectly fine. LIKE WTH IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
At least this make up all those incidents I met today.
and now the holga,

Just that one smile..