(Feb 1, 2007)
1:42 AM) FiFi: Someone:
hi. my name is veronica gina

(1:42 AM) FiFi: Someone:
you can call me VerGina

(1:43 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
fucking nb hahahahaaha

(1:43 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
and my nickname is spicy because i'm so hot

(1:43 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
you can call me spicy vergina

(1:44 AM) FiFi: Someone:
and this is my brother. Pelano Nison.pple call him Penis.

(1:45 AM) FiFi: Someone:
but since he's so short for his age, they started calling him shorty penis.

(1:47 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
he loved to eat broccoli. so he was nicknamed the broccoli growing penis.

(1:47 AM) FiFi: Someone:
no. brocolli growing shorty penis.

(1:48 AM) FiFi: Someone:
and fyi, he loves to eat mushroom and contracted some weird disease that resulted funny looking fungi growing on his penis as well.

(1:49 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:

(1:49 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
wah lao

(1:49 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:
we're both fucking sick la

(1:49 AM) ^o.O^ I see spi:

That's what Yumi and I always chat about online. We're sick people. Yes.

Jap lesson today was ok. I prefer the Culture part which is the Geography part. I miss Geog man. While waiting for Nick's class to end, I was freezing at Mushroom. The wind was so damn bloody colddddd man. *brrrr*

Had dinner at the same place with the same people. Usual crap and all. And they kept making fun of my eyecandy. Bleah =P

Met up with Cherissa after that. Listened to her problems.

An advice for all. Don't be too dependent on someone.

Gonna go watch my terebi alr. Nights people!