(Jan 25, 2007)
Schedule for today.

Wake up at 1pm.
Reach Bedok by latest 2.15pm.
Print the photos and back to school.
Buy 15 A4 mounting boards.
Go back 3D animation lab and do last touch up for Photo Quicktime.
Render it.
Do journal.
Burn everything to CD. (dMf and dPf)
Finish everything by 5pm and go home.

While at home, mount the photos on the mounting board.
Print the journal out.


Accoring to Yijie and Gang, I'm having Goldfish memory which only lasts for 7 Seconds. Hmm. I think mine not that bad. Around 7minutes.

Ya. I was suppose to type something but I forgot what. Shit. That's how bad it is.

*I gave up. I'm nowhere near you.