(Jan 31, 2007)
Felt so happy seeing my friend of 6 years getting married today. This feeling of happiness engulfed me just by seeing them. I sincerely hope that they will have a happy life and their baby boy will be born all healthy and super charming.

Table 21.

Yvonne, Meixian, Fiona, Adeline.

The newly wed stepping into the Ballroom being welcomed by the guests.

Swearing session. FYI, they had the ROM and Banquet together.

Bride and Groom

Fiona, Adeline, Meixian

Will you walk with me?
Don't ignore me. Don't MIA from me. I don't like the feeling of you not being there for me. I don't know why but that's what I feel. I just need you to be here for me, physically or mentally. I want you to know, you're already a part in my life. Please stop ignoring me.
Josh said I'm being paraniod again. Am I? I miss you Josh! Catch up soon leh!
Yay! Meeting the guys next week! Yay! Can see buddy loh! That Bernard is still pressing me for his Swensen meal but nvm because Jasper gonna sponsor me 1$ for blackjack this CNY. I can't wait for CNY can can can can can?!
Vday coming. I hope he'll stop ignoring me. Don't ask me anything about this part because I don't feel comfortable talking about it to anyone. I just wanna rant in my blog. Thanks.
Table 21.
Yvonne, Meixian, Fiona, Adeline.
The newly wed stepping into the Ballroom being welcomed by the guests.
Swearing session. FYI, they had the ROM and Banquet together.
Bride and Groom
Fiona, Adeline, Meixian
Will you walk with me?
Don't ignore me. Don't MIA from me. I don't like the feeling of you not being there for me. I don't know why but that's what I feel. I just need you to be here for me, physically or mentally. I want you to know, you're already a part in my life. Please stop ignoring me.
Josh said I'm being paraniod again. Am I? I miss you Josh! Catch up soon leh!
Yay! Meeting the guys next week! Yay! Can see buddy loh! That Bernard is still pressing me for his Swensen meal but nvm because Jasper gonna sponsor me 1$ for blackjack this CNY. I can't wait for CNY can can can can can?!
Vday coming. I hope he'll stop ignoring me. Don't ask me anything about this part because I don't feel comfortable talking about it to anyone. I just wanna rant in my blog. Thanks.