(Jul 5, 2008)

Motion Graphics Exercise ONE is constantly at the back of my mind. Imagine how it'll be like when it comes to the final assignment. Those from the previous MG class asked me to start early. I think I should. I think everyone wants to be the next Jason Feng. You know like, as zai as him when it comes to MG. And so, it has been kinda competitive. Idk. It's just what I think it is.
Shoot was slack yet tiring at the same time. I am not very involved. I am very worried for my MG. I guess secretly I want to excel in something. "What's your style?" Idk how to answer that. At year Three, I still do not know what's my style. Goodness gracious. I need to reflect and start finding my designer style.
I am tired. I am sleepy. I want to sleep but I told myself I need to at least start editing the AI file for my MG by tonight.
I'm lost for words for my script report. The synopsis part was alright but the comment part, I've typed and backtracked for the 1000th times already. Sighs. I am taking a break. If you would consider blogging as a break.
I think I am just stress. Somehow I am not looking forward to internship anymore. Lesser sleep than what I am already having. I am a heavy sleeper. And the guys kept wanting to go for more competition. I want to, but I hate doing things half heartedly.
I want to be active in this scene, in this industry. But are we there yet? Looking at the works of Boi's students, I kinda got demoralized already. They are really awesome. Their technical skills, their concept and their unity are indescribably awesome.
Ah, I've spent enough time thinking of unnecessary stuffs and now it's time for work again.