(Mar 10, 2008)
Yesterday's production for Boi's is tiring, irritating and embarrassed. Early in the morning I rode on the tricycle and fall into the drain resulting 2 big blue blacks on both my thighs. And a lot people were there to witnessed my fall.

Complained too much and too loudly. So a lot people heard. Haha. Damn embarrassed again.

Thankfully there's this new guy Issac *winks to someone* today. So workload decreased.

I am turning so vulgar these days. All thanks to WX.

After dinner with Mark, Verm and Issac (rest of art dept and some other guys came by later) Mark, Verm and I went down to PS to meet Jacen and KT. Chilled at Starbucks for awhile before accompanying the two just-finished-work guys for their late dinner. Mark and I accompanied KT till 12am before going home.

Bus ride home was chilly cold with this gay couple sitting behind us. And Mark got so many nice songs! "Stranger by day" hur.

Later on must go down for Jacky's production. I am very tired and thus, sleepy. BAHHHS