(Feb 6, 2008)
Did I mention my sis-in-law has officially moved in with us. Must be difficult for her. Moved here all the way from Thailand. And Linda is coming back on 8th March. But she is only going to stay for 2 weeks. Bahhs. I will squeeze time out of P2 to spend some time with her. She say she is going to come back to bake rotiboy for me. HEES. We is will spend some sister time together.
Editing pictures kill I tell you. 1600+ photos to look at.
Yay. Melvin say he wanted to buy me herbal tea but school never sell. I know he wants me to marry him. LOL. ok. Crap.

with the programmers

It left me wanting for more. I'm afraid we won't be doing CVSS camp this year. Kinda depress over it. That reminds me that I'm suppose to call Hua. LOL.
Linda and I are arguing who-saved-who. LOL.
Editing pictures kill I tell you. 1600+ photos to look at.
Yay. Melvin say he wanted to buy me herbal tea but school never sell. I know he wants me to marry him. LOL. ok. Crap.

with the programmers

It left me wanting for more. I'm afraid we won't be doing CVSS camp this year. Kinda depress over it. That reminds me that I'm suppose to call Hua. LOL.
Linda and I are arguing who-saved-who. LOL.