(Jan 30, 2008)
I miss doing camps. I miss the pre camp. Unloading Abang Snail, moving it from the car park to tent, setting up of water point and medic area, do the pags, midnight mac supper, sleep in the bloody cold wind, wake up to welcome campers, energizers, campfire, cheer non stop, traditional glenn emo shit, cheers, and cheers and cheers and ya, the tradition glenn 3 hours debrief. LOL. Seeing them smiling, crying, cheering and the i-don't-want-to-go-home on the last day is unforgettable. i miss my cv campers.

it's like a once in a life time experience. i want to go back but there's too much under lying circumstances for most of us to even go back to where we came from.
i miss the red shirt. or maybe the green and the orange one. or maybe the black and white one that i always wanted to wear. LOL. yes. secretly i want to. HAHA

and yes, this time last yr,

i'll see this quite often.
friday would be a short camp. 2d1n. but no 3 hours debrief, no bathing in public toilets, no campfires, no cute young boys to look at. HUR.
ok. i shall stop emo.
i nv go run again today. tmd

it's like a once in a life time experience. i want to go back but there's too much under lying circumstances for most of us to even go back to where we came from.
i miss the red shirt. or maybe the green and the orange one. or maybe the black and white one that i always wanted to wear. LOL. yes. secretly i want to. HAHA
and yes, this time last yr,
i'll see this quite often.
friday would be a short camp. 2d1n. but no 3 hours debrief, no bathing in public toilets, no campfires, no cute young boys to look at. HUR.
ok. i shall stop emo.
i nv go run again today. tmd