(Aug 17, 2007)

Pops took the com to reformat today. Yay!
Rainy day today. Cold, cold day.
Sitting 3D lab very shiok. But one by one all left.
Thinking should I join to watch fireworks later anot.
I'm starting on HP book one.
But I wanna read that Lost Girls. Porn comic. LOL.
I feel like shitting right now.
And it's very cold in here.
I think I should go home and sleep.
Submission over. Very happy. No work for a day.
But got filming to do for the whole of tomorrow.
Must get alot of rest today.
So maybe I will not be going to watch fireworks later.
So many people. Lazy to squeeze leh.
I don't know what I'm typing now because ya, I don't know.
Nothing more to say but I just feel like typing because I love to listen to the sound of the keyboard.
Rino or Haris is listening to Ghost Of You now. Very nice.
I very sian.
And they just say that "mei you ren" lines.
Sian. Why air con so cold.
Why got nothing to do.
I'm wearing my hoodie but my legs are freezing.
Stupid. Shouldn't wear FBT to school on a rainy day.
YJ is walking towards me and he's showed me a very old photograph of Mr "chin-can-kill".
Sian. I never Ice or Peanut today. Bahhs.
Nobody in school let me disturb anymore.
Just now I nearly got suffocated by this fried food smell.
And YJ is still walking up and down the room.
Ok la. I want go canteen buy drink now.