(Jul 30, 2007)
Blogger has a BIG problem with me. Must be.
Anyway, I hope our darling sub coms enjoyed BSC's nightwalk because I felt that OVERALL it was enjoyable.
I totally respect DSC subcoms and for they LOVE AND RESPECT. Yes. The two components which is felt if you practices it long enough, it'll bring you up to the next higher level in life. Yes.
Was rather pissed through the nightwalk because I saw how my subcoms got humilated by those brawling vulgarities. I wonder is it that my designers were TOO scary or just that the people dosent practice LOVE AND RESPECT / EMPATHY AND COMPASSION. I think out of those 100+ participants, I only encountered a few that practices the above named. Joyce hit my toe and some of them were very concerned even when I was q-ing to bathe, the girl rmbed me and asked if my toe was alright. Another one, they hit Cheryl's leg and was very apologetic. But oh well, I heard more F words used by them then the compassion showed by them. Anwyay, I said too many F words that night too.
I saw how much effort Tom, Ronald, Caleb, YJ and our sub coms put in. Ok. Again, I think I'm the slack one other than patrolling during the nightwalk and covering the staircases lights with Terence and Shawn. Stripping halfnaked, wrapping themselves up like a chicken wrap, crawling all over the floor when she had bad rashes, cried till they lost their voice, stayed at the dark and cold staircases for 2 hours +. But for all the favour, we were ASKED TO GO HOME by one of the people under them and again, the F word were heard too many times out from their mouth. The place was so dark, I hid myself in one corner and observed one group and amazingly, I heard their very BEAUTIFUL comments about the ghosts *ROLLS EYES*. I'm not blaming the people we're working with but the people under them.
I just realised I scolded fuck you at Froggy too when I saw her at the stairs. LOL. Sorry Froggy but you know I love you right? xD
I think the funniest part is when I see the girls cried, the guys eat "tofu", some act fierce, and how Ronald really scared the shit out of them. See them playing catching with him. LOL. but Ronald causes the most casulties (2 asthma attacks, 1 heart attack and 1 sprained her ankle - IF I'm not wrong). Opps. And thank you Jason for scaring me once AGAIN.
Anyway, the 20+ of us went for supper at prata house. Caught up with Jason and he suan-ed me. Thanks. Played cards, chatted and laughed through the night. Napped at 7 but only to wake up upon hearing Hansheng saying "... stupid fiona don't know put my slippers at where." at 9+ and after that, watched them play cards and watched abit of Saw3. Ya. Saw3 early in the morning. Gore.
Mac hotcakes with Eileen, Hansheng, Donson and Shawn. Homed at 11. Bathed and knockout till 8pm. Coolios. My sunday is gone like that. Talk tmr from 1.30 to 5.30pm. Will get to see them all over again. I love.
Listening to emo songs now. I love.
And I found out a disappointing and shocking truth about someone who is my good friend and I don't know what to say anymore. I hope what I was told was a pack of lies / was just a joke.
Anyway, I feel like swimming and I haven't seen Sheena for a LONG, LONG time. Might be meeting her, Jane and Karen on Friday for a meal over the table. Yayness. =))
Anyway, I hope our darling sub coms enjoyed BSC's nightwalk because I felt that OVERALL it was enjoyable.
I totally respect DSC subcoms and for they LOVE AND RESPECT. Yes. The two components which is felt if you practices it long enough, it'll bring you up to the next higher level in life. Yes.
Was rather pissed through the nightwalk because I saw how my subcoms got humilated by those brawling vulgarities. I wonder is it that my designers were TOO scary or just that the people dosent practice LOVE AND RESPECT / EMPATHY AND COMPASSION. I think out of those 100+ participants, I only encountered a few that practices the above named. Joyce hit my toe and some of them were very concerned even when I was q-ing to bathe, the girl rmbed me and asked if my toe was alright. Another one, they hit Cheryl's leg and was very apologetic. But oh well, I heard more F words used by them then the compassion showed by them. Anwyay, I said too many F words that night too.
I saw how much effort Tom, Ronald, Caleb, YJ and our sub coms put in. Ok. Again, I think I'm the slack one other than patrolling during the nightwalk and covering the staircases lights with Terence and Shawn. Stripping halfnaked, wrapping themselves up like a chicken wrap, crawling all over the floor when she had bad rashes, cried till they lost their voice, stayed at the dark and cold staircases for 2 hours +. But for all the favour, we were ASKED TO GO HOME by one of the people under them and again, the F word were heard too many times out from their mouth. The place was so dark, I hid myself in one corner and observed one group and amazingly, I heard their very BEAUTIFUL comments about the ghosts *ROLLS EYES*. I'm not blaming the people we're working with but the people under them.
I just realised I scolded fuck you at Froggy too when I saw her at the stairs. LOL. Sorry Froggy but you know I love you right? xD
I think the funniest part is when I see the girls cried, the guys eat "tofu", some act fierce, and how Ronald really scared the shit out of them. See them playing catching with him. LOL. but Ronald causes the most casulties (2 asthma attacks, 1 heart attack and 1 sprained her ankle - IF I'm not wrong). Opps. And thank you Jason for scaring me once AGAIN.
Anyway, the 20+ of us went for supper at prata house. Caught up with Jason and he suan-ed me. Thanks. Played cards, chatted and laughed through the night. Napped at 7 but only to wake up upon hearing Hansheng saying "... stupid fiona don't know put my slippers at where." at 9+ and after that, watched them play cards and watched abit of Saw3. Ya. Saw3 early in the morning. Gore.
Mac hotcakes with Eileen, Hansheng, Donson and Shawn. Homed at 11. Bathed and knockout till 8pm. Coolios. My sunday is gone like that. Talk tmr from 1.30 to 5.30pm. Will get to see them all over again. I love.
Listening to emo songs now. I love.
And I found out a disappointing and shocking truth about someone who is my good friend and I don't know what to say anymore. I hope what I was told was a pack of lies / was just a joke.
Anyway, I feel like swimming and I haven't seen Sheena for a LONG, LONG time. Might be meeting her, Jane and Karen on Friday for a meal over the table. Yayness. =))