(Mar 17, 2007)
Dajie, erjie and pops just brought him over to cargo. Damn sad. For 12 years, TWELVE whole years he has being with us. Whenever I come home from outside, he would whine and welcome me home. But now, he's so far away from me. I wonder can he take the 8 hours flight there or not.
Bye Darling Boy. I'll miss you.
Anyway, Sis showed me this,
My day was brightened up by Voon's reply to my mail.
Dear Fi,
i saw this only like just now and i am so very surprised, in the most pleasant way of cus. YES, i remember all of those times and they make up fond memories in my mind. WAIT, im so gonna dig into my drawers fr the letters that you have written and ridicule you back. lol. I cant say how much i treasure u, smelly. Its true what they say about whats most precious is being able to retrieve what you once lost. i am glad i found you again and this time both of us have grown and learnt our lessons, determined to rectify the silly mistakes we have made using love, love and love. i love you, fi so no matter what happens, i will still love you. i will look at things from your view and i will understand. Even if i cant, i will try. i will guide you when you are lost and cry with you when you do. i will fight people who bully you and i will continue to find ways to make u think of me, smile with me and continue to be my smelly fi. i will support you in whatever you do and continue to love you for who you are. i do, i do, i do.
And its also because of you i got to know chiang, although me and chiang do not already know each other for the longest time but we apparently can click pretty well. i still wanna be part of you girls. do miss me once in a while okay.
miss u, smelly.
She'll always be my one and only best friend. Yes. That's Voon.
Alright. Gonna go get some rest before I meet the rest to slack.
Joel not coming down. Boo. Nobody to make me laugh. Ok. Still got Jacen. And Fahmy might come down as well. Yay. Love Seals man.