(Sep 28, 2006)
suB coMm caMp StiL gOt sooO mucHHieS tO Do LaRx.
AnD sChool'S StarTing NexT weeK.
WhicH isH sHooO daMn SianX LarX.

Fuck la! I wonder how some people could type and talk that way.
I took so long typing that can.

You - eu
Me - moi, mui
much - muchies
nights - nitex
ok/okies/okays - oKkiEs
bye - buaiX
hi/hello - Hellooox.

It would save alot of typing time if they could just type normally.
Not that I have a problem with them but I do have a problem with them typing "shortcuts" with more letters. Then what's the use of shortcuts?

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix would be out in 2007.
How cool?
Not much changes in the casting which is a good thing. Ain't it?

Oh great. Tomorrw movie with Yumi and Jacen and don't know who and then might be going down to Martin's birthday party. But I don't know anyone there but he booked the room and included me already. Oh shit. If I don't go, I think he'll kill me immediately. And now Lani asked me to go Momo with her. Aww shit. So many temptations la. But I wanna stay at home and sleep lehs before school starts. 12-6.

TDS raped off my social life man!