(Jan 1, 2009)
I had a wonderful start for 2009.
We had steamboat at Sheena's and it cost the 4 of us 127$. Had too much food, more than we ever consumed. So our steamboat lasted from 9.30pm to 7am. Countdown together, watched two movies, ate some chips, drank some alcohol, made some videos and ate aloooot of food. The sight of meatballs makes me puke now. We're already planning for our 2010 countdown!
Thanks for all the "Happy new year" message from all over the world, Saudi Arabia, United States of America and Singapore(duh-.-).
Having a busy start for 2009. Carmen's shoot, OTTO outing, Ashley's shoot, studio tan, meet Nicky, movieporkbonetea with Donson & Hansheng and overnight editing.
This year gonna be full of major changes for me. Turning 21 is one, graduating is another.
Smooth sailing 2009 it shall be ((: