(May 8, 2008)

I spent my last night having overseas call with Joshua.
Glad to hear that he's doing well.
We spent the night catching up for time we've lost and reminiscing the good ol' times when Jo was still around. We laughed at those silly tricks we used to play and those difficult times we pulled through together. Memories are not forever, it fades with time.
I stared at the one and only note that I found that Jo left behind. I miss whatever breakfast he used to buy and those pillow fights. I miss that one good
I woke up today only to find myself late for school and thus, decided to go back to sleep. And since I can't get to Aidah, I guess going to school would be a wasted trip. Girls out with Momsie, Cynthia, Sis-in-law and Bammy. Whitesands, Yishun, Sakae and PS. Momsie bought me some apparels. Had B&J too which is loves because cookie dough is always the loves.
I guess I ate too much today and at the irregular timing and I am suffering from gastric now. Anyway, I finished reading P.S I Love You. Cecilia Ahern is a talent writer considering she was only 21 when she wrote that novel. It's full of emotions. Should catch it.
Got to start on my Vidpro Journal now I guess.