(Nov 10, 2007)
Tired and sleepy and bored sums up my Friday.

The Muttons are really funny.
Later I am going to Yishun with Yumi.
And then to Nick's gig at Zai.
He's finally going to perform at his own gig.
Pretty proud of him.

That day Warren suggested for Da Pham to come together again to sing Here Without You again just to see how much we've grown and how we've improved our recording skills.

Ok. I still suck at using Protools. I think I'm pretty proud of Da Pham 5/11 are on Director's List (AY 0607) and I'm sure they will still be on the list for this AY.

I watched Heroes till I fall asleep. Ep 7 if I'm not wrong. And I got woken up by my Bro's voice. I didn't close my room door and he was talking so loudly. Bahhs.

I like to hear you calling my name.
I like to see your blur smile on your blur face.