(Aug 28, 2007)
I'm seriously going crazy over work.
No submission but alot of work. NB.
But managed to get some relax time just now to paste the postcards on the wall. Hurhur.
Just finished my mind map on Royston Tan.
So in the end, I still decided to use him instead of Christopher Columbus.
RT totally inspiring. But sad to say, I haven't got the chance to catch 881.
MLoo overslept that time and we couldn't catch the last show. Bahhs.
Speaking of RT,
As usual, his career started off by catering food for the cast, crew and director in 1993.
He did a total of 18 shorts films and is having 10 more short films storyline in his mind.
He piority is still short film and featured film is second to that.
He won a total of 51 awards.
And is also one of the Time Magazine's 20 Asian Heroes under the age of 40 and is also an "iconoclast".
His films always try to give a voice to the marginalized in the society and are usually what he thinks about the surroundings.
The storyline/story usually takes place in location or person which meant alot to him, past or present.
His works range from "emo" to humour to even musical.
Singapore censorship board keeps a close eye on him, even the MP.
A "rebel and an artistic freedom-fighter"
He said "Art that is not real is not art"
So how can I not idolize him and be inspired by him?
So even if Elvis once and again say he is too young in this industry to have a style in his work, I would tell him straight in his face and say "At least I think he got more style in his work than yours."
Wokay, I'm kidding but I'll make sure he sees my stand.
It's 3.13am. I have to meet Yumi at 12.30pm later. I haven't start on my Desti. Die.
Anyway, I had lunch with Yumi, Carmen, Nick and Mark at Pastamania earlier today and Nick cut his hair. Look neater, older and more handsome but I think I still love Warren more. Oh wait. I forgot I got new love - Sotong. LOL.
Stayed back in 3D Lab. I swear Mark makes me crazy.
Laughed non-stop.
Fucking over-dosed by work.
Chicken rice with peanut (steamed)
KT is telling me about how much he is in love with photography and old school cameras. LOL.
Actually I also. Damn broke now. Sian.
So KT, we need new numbers!

He just showed this to me. Fucking nice please.
I think it's "the nicest 35 mm SLR made."
That's what KT read from.
Wha lao. Orgasmic please.
NB. Back to do work alr.
Wha. Recently scolded alot vulgarities. Shit.
And that Mark, before I open my mouth to scold, he helped me say the word.
No fun already.
Go eat hei mee please Mark.
Pasir ris sells nice hei mee ehs. HURHUR
And did I mentioned I saw Voonie at TM today? HURHUR.
I'm so gonna hire her as my light reflector next time.
And I chatted with Sheena on the phone earlier on.
And I haven't seen Jacen for 5 days.
And KT going to organise Instructors outing next Sat. HURHUR.
So happy.
No submission but alot of work. NB.
But managed to get some relax time just now to paste the postcards on the wall. Hurhur.
Just finished my mind map on Royston Tan.
So in the end, I still decided to use him instead of Christopher Columbus.
RT totally inspiring. But sad to say, I haven't got the chance to catch 881.
MLoo overslept that time and we couldn't catch the last show. Bahhs.
Speaking of RT,
As usual, his career started off by catering food for the cast, crew and director in 1993.
He did a total of 18 shorts films and is having 10 more short films storyline in his mind.
He piority is still short film and featured film is second to that.
He won a total of 51 awards.
And is also one of the Time Magazine's 20 Asian Heroes under the age of 40 and is also an "iconoclast".
His films always try to give a voice to the marginalized in the society and are usually what he thinks about the surroundings.
The storyline/story usually takes place in location or person which meant alot to him, past or present.
His works range from "emo" to humour to even musical.
Singapore censorship board keeps a close eye on him, even the MP.
A "rebel and an artistic freedom-fighter"
He said "Art that is not real is not art"
So how can I not idolize him and be inspired by him?
So even if Elvis once and again say he is too young in this industry to have a style in his work, I would tell him straight in his face and say "At least I think he got more style in his work than yours."
Wokay, I'm kidding but I'll make sure he sees my stand.
It's 3.13am. I have to meet Yumi at 12.30pm later. I haven't start on my Desti. Die.
Anyway, I had lunch with Yumi, Carmen, Nick and Mark at Pastamania earlier today and Nick cut his hair. Look neater, older and more handsome but I think I still love Warren more. Oh wait. I forgot I got new love - Sotong. LOL.
Stayed back in 3D Lab. I swear Mark makes me crazy.
Laughed non-stop.
Fucking over-dosed by work.
Chicken rice with peanut (steamed)
KT is telling me about how much he is in love with photography and old school cameras. LOL.
Actually I also. Damn broke now. Sian.
So KT, we need new numbers!

He just showed this to me. Fucking nice please.
I think it's "the nicest 35 mm SLR made."
That's what KT read from.
Wha lao. Orgasmic please.
NB. Back to do work alr.
Wha. Recently scolded alot vulgarities. Shit.
And that Mark, before I open my mouth to scold, he helped me say the word.
No fun already.
Go eat hei mee please Mark.
Pasir ris sells nice hei mee ehs. HURHUR
And did I mentioned I saw Voonie at TM today? HURHUR.
I'm so gonna hire her as my light reflector next time.
And I chatted with Sheena on the phone earlier on.
And I haven't seen Jacen for 5 days.
And KT going to organise Instructors outing next Sat. HURHUR.
So happy.