(Mar 1, 2007)
I was so unlucky today. First and foremost, bus 69 was to turn left at the petrol kiosk when it's driving towards Bedok direction but today, it turned right! Everybody shocked sia. I sat there relax only. Gave this "no problem" look. I saw the bus driver apologising and said he will u-turn. But some of the Tp students were afraid that they gonna be late for their exams or something and they alighted many metres away from Engine Bus Stop (they have to walk in the rain somemore). Anyway, the bus u-turned and yes, I reached school safely.
Upon reaching school, I sat down and started sleeping and talking to my fellow group members. Suddenly, Yong came into the class and said, "Benjamin is on MC today. So, the class is cancelled". WHA LAO. Imagine!! LOL. But nonetheless, we discussed about our P1 and headed off to TCC to watch the Design Diploma Show. Ohman! Linus and Adrain are my newly idols la. Their shortfilms really damn nice. I wonder how many companies actually approached them yesterday. Not bad man. I can foresee the future local films blooming!
Anyway, FINALLY AFTER SO MANY FUCKING BLOCKS, I FINALLY ATE MY FUCKING CHICKEN CHOP FROM DESIGN CANTEEN! Imagine how euphoric I was. Damn shiokkkkkk! But I miss malay stall as well ehs. Bleahs.
We slacked in the studio aftermath. I was doing my P1 research while the rest were doing their stuffs. Nic and I left at 4+.
I finally received my Mushy from Pong and Jacen. Woos.

Hand craft wooden mushroom all the way from Malaca to Changi, to TP and finally to my place.

V day pressie from Jacen. He bought a keychain for Pong as well. So sweet.

Mushroom from my loves. Thankies but stop buying stuffs for me la. Unless from oversea I want! LOL.
Upon reaching school, I sat down and started sleeping and talking to my fellow group members. Suddenly, Yong came into the class and said, "Benjamin is on MC today. So, the class is cancelled". WHA LAO. Imagine!! LOL. But nonetheless, we discussed about our P1 and headed off to TCC to watch the Design Diploma Show. Ohman! Linus and Adrain are my newly idols la. Their shortfilms really damn nice. I wonder how many companies actually approached them yesterday. Not bad man. I can foresee the future local films blooming!
Anyway, FINALLY AFTER SO MANY FUCKING BLOCKS, I FINALLY ATE MY FUCKING CHICKEN CHOP FROM DESIGN CANTEEN! Imagine how euphoric I was. Damn shiokkkkkk! But I miss malay stall as well ehs. Bleahs.
We slacked in the studio aftermath. I was doing my P1 research while the rest were doing their stuffs. Nic and I left at 4+.
I finally received my Mushy from Pong and Jacen. Woos.
Hand craft wooden mushroom all the way from Malaca to Changi, to TP and finally to my place.
V day pressie from Jacen. He bought a keychain for Pong as well. So sweet.
Mushroom from my loves. Thankies but stop buying stuffs for me la. Unless from oversea I want! LOL.