(Dec 1, 2006)
Met up with Jane, Sk, Chiiang and Kim at 4 over at TM. We bought a Guess bag for Karen's birthday. Had our late branch then headed over to Jurong Country Club but we should go to Fairway Country Club. Lucky Kim's dad came and fetched us.

AND STOP SAYING I WAS DRUNK. I WASN'T!!! I STILL KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! LOL. after I bottomed up 2 bottles, i was abit giddy but i'm still sober okies?! Neh neh la Girls. Then we headed off to Bedok 511 for supper. ate bak chor mee and free satays and chickenwings and green tea. All free! Yay!!

Karen and Desmond joined us much later. I thinked they crawled over. Muahahahas.

I saw something that night. Who said all potianaks must be in white?! I saw one in black. I was quite scared but maybe because I drank too much and got the courage to look at her/it. but ya. lucky nothing happened. now my hair all standing already. wOoOOOO~

anyway, we headed off to SK's for gambling session. Jane left first and we went home in the morning.

Had a 4+ hrs of sleep then went off to work.

Now I'm so so so so so so so so sleeeeepy!

SK, I know how you felt that time. I seriously do. We'll be friends for many many more years right? I've got so much to ask you. Tomorrow. Loves.

Bon voyage to Son. He went HK ytd.
Yumi loves going off to HK as well tomorrow morning 5 am.
I also want pilot Daddy ehs.

Wha lao. I miss Pong Ka Cheng la.

* i hate her. no. i mean i hate you. yucks.

While on my way home, chatted with Josh and we discussed about the most romatic way to ask a girl to be your girlfriend.

1. The guy would ask the girl "what present would you want to receive from your BF?" and the girl would reply, maybe XYZ(an item or something the girl likes or want. Iya. the Girl's answer la) then the guy would then say "erm. wait for me. i go toilet first" 10 mins later, he went back to the girl with XYZ and ask her to be his GF. AWWWWWWWWWW

2. Delibrately bring the girl out to a super freaking cold place then when she's shivering, turn to her, hug her and say "let me be your jacket"

3. This one is a longer process. and also the most romantic way to me. Be there for the girl whenever she needs you. whatever it is. whether she's sad or happy, hungry or full, energectic or lethargic, scared or fierce. whatever. just be there.
