(Nov 20, 2006)

Went for a less than an hour of Typo class today.
Valentino gave me some advises to improve my work and gave me permission to go home and do cus he don't want to presurrise us. Woos.
I was late for 10 minutes for the class and when i reached the class, some irritating, senseless bragger was sitting at my place.
ain't no big deal but all my files are inside. I stared at him yet he still had the cheek to smile at me. Jerkass.

Headed over to Angkeong to have lunch with Ain, Aidah, Jacen, Sotong, Demp and Shahul. Always love their company. And I wonder, is it me or them that always talk about horny stuffs. LOL.

Headed home and redo my leaftlet. Hope Valentino will be happy with it this time.