(Nov 4, 2006)

2001. We've been through so much together. From strangers to team mates to more than just friends then to enemies and then back to friends. i must admit, i've learn alot from each and everyone of my teammates back then. there're so much more to the team. some of the teammates backed off halfway. i guess it was because the few of us were dominating the team back then. i still remember that year, we had no coach, no professional trainings. our footwork were like f*** and i really meant f***. mdm aliah still got us into the competition where we played against numerous school, one after another which made us became the laughing stock of the schools and also to the umpires. it wasn't her fault. we need the exposure. moreover, it was the only year that we could play rough on court without being scolded. it was also the only year, the only one half of the match that i played the centre. it was taxing and requires much more stamina than i had.
2002, 2003. Miss Lydia Lee became in charge of the netball team. the team improved tremendously under her. she was in the national netball team and her trainings were tough but still, we didn't do her proud. we still lost in our matches. i remember we lost to AMK sec with the score, 0-80. it was embarassing and humilating to us. we gave up halfway. but, we made alot of new friends like those from PHS. i'll never forget that game. both schools had so much fun competing against one another. i wonder how's their team now. our own team had alot back then as well. we quarrelled, we fought but still, we played our best during netball as a team. that's when i realised, nv to drag personal stuff into your commitment. we shared some of the most fond memories together. who can forget the times we played in the rain and those games of captain's ball with the bball guys. staying back till 7 in school all the time. running around the courtyard, doing sets. kallang netball court. i'll never forget.
2004, 2005. Miss Lydia Lee transferred to another school. the team's morale dropped. we changed numerous coach. not one coach stayed longer than 2 mths. i don't know why. but i think all the coach had given up on us. we're notorious and we dosen't meet their requirement. i rmb we had this super strict coach which i thought was super cool now but back then, we all hated her. hated her strict coaching, hated her 20 rounds around school. i think, we could've being in the top 3 team of north zone if we'd trained harder. A few teachers took charged of us in this two years but i can only remember Ms Catherine Tan. she, who trained with us and there's this day, after one of the match, we cried in the bus on the way back. we told her how we felt. and during one of the morning sharing by the teachers, she mentioned about us, THE NETBALL GIRLS. she teared infront of the whole school which made us teared as well. she said she was proud of us no matter how the other people think. i still remember. 2005, we coached the juniors. a few of them were really good players. people like genevive, joleen and baoxian. they really inspired me alot. and as a senior, i did learn from them as well. i still miss playing with them. esp joleen. who's either my partner on court or the one blocking me. she never fail to mark me. i miss my WA/WD beap. i miss discussing with manda whether she or me to play what postition. it was either WA/WD for the both of us. i miss our half court trainings. i miss playing netball. really. on that courtyard, with the people, the laughters and whats not. i miss the days laying in the middle of the courtyard, listening to the sound of the ball bouncing and people shouting. i miss hearing "OBSTRUCTON", "CONTACT" and seeing the FAMOUS footwork handsign. i miss motivating one another on court and cheering one another up.
and what about our 2005 slogan? "A MONKEY, IS A MONKEY".
i regret not training myself hard enough and treated netball more like a hobby than a commitment. i hated my lousy right ankle but i'm proud that it was a sport injury.

celestine and valerie joined netball this year as well. i don't know how the team trained but i heard the teacher in charge this yr was/were quite sucky. i don't know how hard they trained but they lost in zonal and are already taking their O's this year. i guess, i think, netball will be closed down next yr or maybe a couple of years later. other than this bunch of juniors, seriously speaking, the following batches all CMIAA some of them had major attitude problem and won't listen at all. i shall just cross my fingers and hope for the better.
i wanna play this sport again. i regret closing my eyes and walked up the stairs and sprained my ankle again and thus, i couldn't play for D'Olympics Captain's Ball. i hope the next com for DSC will plan this earlier next AY. i can't wait. hey Design, friendly match anyone?